In 2023 our Parish turns 100 and as it happens to be, Father Francis' golden anniversary of ordination. The inaugural celebration is on the 13th May, which is the feast of Our Lady of Fatima.
If you would like to particiapte in planning and coordinating events for this special celebration year please contact Stefano Zagami - [email protected] or any member of the Parish Council.
Look out for updates from the Organising Committee here and on our Facebook page. All are welcome to share their ideas.
Archbishop Timothy Costello will celebrate this very special Mass on Sunday 23rd July at 9:45am.
Following Mass light refreshments will be served in the Parish Hall. To help with the catering it would be appreciated if everyone could please bring a plate of finger food to share.
We hope to see everyone to celbreate our 100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima Parish and School!
Parish Centenary Mass: Sunday 23rd July at 9:45am.
Archbishop Timothy Costello will celebrate this very special Mass on Sunday 23rd July at 9:45am. Following Mass light refreshments will be served in the Parish Hall. To help with the catering it would be appreciated if everyone could please bring a plate of finger food to share. We hope to see everyone to celbreate our 100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima Parish and School!
Centenary Open Day: Sunday 23rd July
Following the Parish Centenary Mass on Sunday 23rd July there will be a School and Parish history walk led by Harry Neesham and Ugo Landro at 11am.
From 12-3pm All school classrooms will be open to explore, reminisce and record your memories.
All past students, families, staff and parishioners welcome!
Fatima Movie: Friday 13th October at 6:15pm
The second showing of the Fatima Movie will be shown on Friday 13th October at 6:15pm in the Church. Everyone is welcome to come along. This date was chosen because the sixth and final miracle, the Miracle of the Sun, ocurred on the 13th October, 1917. This was essentially in response to the prophecy made by the children. The children told the people in the village to come out and witness it. There are reports of over 70,000 people being in attendance.
Celebration Supper Dance: Friday 10th November 7:00 pm
Held on Friday 10th November at Melville Bowling Club, 7-11 pm. This is an adults only event with a licensed bar. Please bring a plate of finger food to share. Tickets are $20.00 each and will be on sale from Saturday 20th May at all Masses thereafter. Please bring cash to pay for tickets as we dont have a tap machine.
Centenary key chains: As a memento of our Centennial Year, we have organised Key Chains for a suggested donation of $5 each to help pay for all the celebration events this year. Your support will be greatly appreciated.
The OC is meeting this coming week to advance planning further.
Those people who have completed their details on the event sheets have been contacted and invited to a group discussion on the evening of 23rd November in the parish hall.
The Organising Committee for the Centenar-Gold met this week and continued work on various ideas, most importantly, progressing the events calendar - which is targeted for release by end of November.
The call for expressions of interest for assistance over the past month has been most encouraging. Those people that completed their details on the event sheets can expect contact this coming week by email/SMS to attend a meeting on 23rd November in the evening in the parish hall - please look out for the notice.
If you didn't nominate, please don't despair as there is room for everyone in this house - just come as you are, when you are ready…
The calender of events remains in the meeting room at the back of the Church for you to view and volunteer your assitance in planning and preparing for whichever enent(s) appeal to you. The calender has a small script describing the event with space where people can offer their names and contacts if they would like to lead or assist.
The Centenary Gold Committee invite you to view the calender of events displayed in the meeting room at the back of the Church. The calender has a small script describing the event with space where people can offer their names and contacts if they would like to lead or assist. There will be people in the room to assist with any questions or enquiries you may have.
The Organising Committee (OC) met this week and produced a draft calendar of events for 2023, which will be available for the parish community to review over the NEXT TWO (2) weekends.
The intention is to provide opportunity for interested people to choose a “pet” project in which to immerse themselves.
We envisage each project will need 1-2 pax (smaller ones), and where there is a little more complexity, a team of up to 4-5 pax to bring it to fruition.
Please note that several events/projects have been taken under the wing of our school community.
The opportunity to participate is open to all who are willing – this is the only prerequisite - and we’ll maintain a presence through our social media too.
On behalf of the OC, thanks very much for your interest and enthusiasm.
From my part, I want to publicly acknowledge the terrific energy of the members of the OC, thank you all.
On Thursday, 08.09.2022, a small but enthusiastic group gathered in the hall to inspire creative thought to make 2023 the most memorable celebration possible for the OLF community.
It was so good, that it is a massive understatement to suggest we probably should have got going after the 97th anniversary!! It's all good however, because this coming week the organising committee (OC) will gather to distill the ideas and return to the community with a draft calendar of events.
This will then be open to everyone to consider how they can get involved - in fact, the ideal would be that small working groups will sprout and run with a chosen project.
Thanks very much to all who have indicated willingness to be involved in any way possible,
and to the good folks that contributed to the ideas, which are coming out shortly...