All world’s miracles begin with the birth of a child and the motherhood of the mother, and the fatherhood of the father. Motherhood here is used in its literal and metaphorical sense: every woman has the potential to be a mother whether or not she is gifted with biological motherhood. Every woman, to a satisfactory degree is instinctively maternal with care and concern for the child. When the Christian world talks about needing a saviour in the child Jesus, it is affirming, sometimes unthinkingly, the need to acknowledge the metaphor that only as a child, can we change and save ourselves and the world. The second element, which must be present in any salvific mission is motherhood. Without the love, care, compassion, kindness, patience, of motherhood, salvation is impossible. The third element, which is inextricably linked to motherhood is the fatherhood of every man, with the ability to reason and reflect properly on such awkward moments as can stand in the way of salvation. There are many such moments.