Pray the Rosary each weekday before morning Mass.
The Rosary is also held weekly on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm in the Church. All are welcome to join praying the Rosary. Enquire
The Centering Prayer Community Palmyra began on 3rd May 2016 after a group of parishioners participated in exploring Christian Mystical & Contemplative Tradition over Advent and Centering Prayer over the following Lent.
Based on the writings of the desert fathers and mothers, Centering Prayer is part of the Christian tradition of the “liturgy of silence”. It responds to the call of the Master to “enter your secret room and the Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you” [Matthew 6:6].
Meeting weekly, we support one another in opening ourselves to the One who calls us into deep union and sharing our faith journey. Please join us. We meet every Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm in the Parish Hall.
Further exploration of Centering Prayer can be found here: